Puppy Girls Read online

Page 12

  Alyssa opened her mouth and tried to tell her roommate. Rose would understand. They weren’t really close, but they were friends. The words formed in Alyssa’s mind, she opened her mouth, and froze.

  Her body didn’t respond. Her lips didn’t move, nor did her tongue, and her lungs refused to push out the air. She couldn’t say it. She wanted to speak one sentence, “I think something happened last night.” She wanted to tell Rose, but Alyssa’s body wouldn’t do it.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said automatically. At first, Alyssa thought it was just a nervous reaction like when she stuttered during class presentations, but no, this was something altogether different.

  “Alright. Well we have class in a bit.”

  It looked dark out, but when Alyssa checked her phone, she saw it was almost eight thirty. Since their classes were on the other side of campus, she didn’t have much time to get ready. Knowing she didn’t have much choice, Alyssa changed out of her pajamas, put on a pair of jeans and a sweater, snatched up her books, and headed back down the hall.

  Rose talked to her, but it was nothing important. She mentioned the cute guy in her geology class and wondered aloud what verbal or visual cues a guy might use to show he was interested.

  Halfway across campus, right as they passed between the English and biology buildings, Alyssa tried again. She tried to say, “Something happened last night. I think I was kidnapped.” But nothing came out. Again, she opened her mouth, only her body refused to speak even a word. Swallowing her mounting fears, she tried to concentrate on how she was there with a friend, and she was on her way to class, and nothing else was going to go wrong.

  For the most part, she was right too. Her first class was boring but nothing happened. She sat down and listened to her professor drone on about something she didn’t really care about. As her class wrapped up, she tried an experiment, just to see what would happen.

  Alyssa took her pen and tried to write a note in the margin. She wanted to write, “I was taken last night and forced to act like a puppy.” She exhaled and tried to make her muscles obey her brain’s commands. Her fingers shivered a little. She scratched a two useless lines into the page but no more.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she muttered which only earned a dirty look from her teacher.

  Fighting back her frustration, Alyssa sat through the rest of the class, then shot up once their professor said they could go. She headed back out into the hallway. It was crowded, so she didn’t notice him at first.

  Cale walked beside her, reached out, and took her hand. “Hi there, puppy girl.” That sort of greeting should have earned him some confused or bewildered looks, but no one heard him over the jostle of hundreds of students working their way through the crowds to make it to their next classes.


  “Me,” he said with a knowing grin. “How’s it going?”

  She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off to an empty hall. This one led to an administrative department, so it wasn’t flooded with as many college kids. The second they were close to alone, she hissed, “What did you do to me?”

  “I thought I explained this. Neurolinguistic programming.”

  “Undo it. Now!”

  Cale grinned at her, sidled closer, and cupped her cheeks with his palms. She wanted to yank his hands away, slap him, and make him look like a fool. She didn’t though. If she couldn’t speak, what else had she lost? The question burned in her chest.

  “You are mine now.”

  “I can’t tell anyone,” she said, half-question, half-declaration.

  “No. You can’t. You can’t tell anyone, and I’ve now got you trained.”

  “I’m going to tell.”

  Cale chuckled, “Very amusing. You’re going to tell? C’mon. You sound like a little kid who’s confused about how the world is so unfair.”

  “I will,” she insisted.

  “Nope,” he said with a shake of his head. “You’re not going to break it. You can’t. I have you programmed you now. In fact, I say a word and you will obey. Understand?”

  “No—” began Alyssa, but he cut her off.

  “Red,” he said and the command triggered something inside of her. She felt the instinct surge through her cells, muscles, and tendons. Alyssa got down on her knees and started to nuzzle his inner thigh. It was just like her dream, she realized, cheeks flooding red because anyone could walk by. She pointed her eyes down at the linoleum floor even as she fought to get back up.

  Her knees remained bent, her back straight. Alyssa kept sending the commands down her spine, yet the rest of her body failed to respond. It was as though a part of her had decided to ignore her brain. It wasn’t as though her body had gone numb. She felt her skin prickle with the heat of embarrassment. Anyone could see her like this. She couldn’t imagine how skanky she must have appeared, as though the only way she could get this boy’s attention was to completely debase herself right there in a college building.

  “Want to serve me right here?”

  “No, please!” her eyes widened to bright circles. Then she began to shake her head, desperate and pleading with every jerk of her head. “Please, please, please just let me get up. I’ll be good. I swear, I’ll do whatever you want!” She begged because she had no choice now. If he pulled out his cock, another subliminal order might make her service him again. The idea of having his penis in her mouth made her shudder as she remembered yesterday’s humiliations.

  “What do you have to say?”

  Alyssa knew at once, but admitting it here seemed so much harder. She fought down her dignity. She had clothes on now except he somehow managed to get her in the same position. She was helpless and bound to his will, but she didn’t want to admit it. She didn’t want to say the words he expected of his pet.

  She wanted to get up. She wanted to stop, so she gave in and said, “Please, Master. Please, I’ll be good for you.”

  Cale stroked her hair. The gesture might have been loving except he mocked her. She felt it in each caress. Her body tingled at his touch and being tormented only added to her humiliation. “Not good enough. I think you should keep going.”

  “Keep going?” she said on one of those seconds where she got to pull her face away from the folds of his pants. She caught the scent of his body and it triggered another instinct at the crevice between her legs. He dominated and owned her, and some part of her craved it. She longed for powerlessness.

  “You heard me. After all, it would be such a shame if one of your teachers saw you like this.”

  “Yes, Master. Please,” she closed her eyes and licked her lips. “I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be your puppy bitch and you can play with me and I’ll service you because you don’t give me a choice. I have to do whatever you want.” She pulled her face away from his crotch long enough to stare up and say, “Master.”

  “Such a good pet,” he said and stroked the curve of her hair once more. Then he reached down and placed his hand on the back of her neck. Alyssa shivered with the memory of her collar.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “C’mon. There’s something I want to show you.” He tugged on her hair, pulling her back to her feet. Then he looped his arm around her waist and pulled her back toward the stairs. He took her to the second, then third floor.

  The corridor was mostly empty. This was where most of the professors kept their offices, so students weren’t buzzing through with the same intensity. They noticed one or two people, each holding a stapled essay or exam. They were probably there to protest a grade or beg for an extension.

  As Alyssa saw them pass, she wished for the time when grades and tests were her biggest concerns. Now she didn’t know what he was going to do with her.

  They were half way across the building when he said, “Tell me you’re my puppy.”

  She lowered her voice on the off chance anyone might hear, “I’m your puppy.”


��Please don’t make me.”

  “There’s a command for this too.”

  Alyssa couldn’t know if he bluffed right then, but she didn’t want to know for certain either. He already had her on her knees. Just one word. That’s all it took to rob her of command over her body.

  “I’m your puppy, Master.” She gave in again.

  “Good girl,” he said and kissed her on the forehead. Alyssa blushed again as they headed through the building and back to the far end of the hall.

  There was a lone door. Cale pulled out a key as Alyssa turned back and considered whether or not she could make a run for it. She could never get away before he shouted another command word. Her programming would take over before she made it another ten steps. Knowing she had no choice and terrified of what this door hid, Alyssa watched him open the door and stepped inside.

  On the other side of the threshold, Alyssa stopped. She halted, her body frozen when she realized where they were. It was a windowless room with a cage in the corner. The carpet felt familiar as she recognized this room for the place where she fell asleep last night. Behind her, Cale shut the door.

  “Green,” he said.

  At once, Alyssa bent over and pulled her shirt off. Cale reached out, unclasped her bra, and let the unwanted garment fall to the floor. Alyssa spun around and opened her mouth to protest.

  Before she got a word out, Cale stepped closer and slipped his hands onto her breasts. Her nipples stiffened at his touch as a pulse of pleasure shot through her body. He pinched down and another quiver of pleasure rocked through her skin to the core of her being.

  Alyssa’s conditioning activated the instant he pulled his hands back down to his side. Despite her best concentration and the total sum of her willpower, she unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them down to her ankles, and kicked them off. Then she raised one foot, took off her one sock, then the other.

  “Please, not my panties! Not my panties!” she cried at him.

  Cale crossed his arms over his chest and watched her. He didn’t utter a word as the command rode through her body and forced her hands down into her panty waistband. Then she pulled her panties down until they dropped to the carpeted floor.

  Naked now, she watched him and whimpered when he pulled her collar from his pocket. Shaking it once, it jangled. “Turn around and hold up your hair.”

  Alyssa obeyed, pulling the strands of her hair up so he could loop the pet attire around her neck. With another click, he locked the collar, binding her into the status as a pet once more.

  “And now on your knees,” he told her. “I think you want to please your owner, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master,” she uttered as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his hardened cock for her attention. Alyssa tried not to think of what she did even as she wrapped her lips around his member.

  He thrust his hips back and forth as he worked his penis against her mouth. She teased the tip of his head again, doing everything she knew to serve him. Anything else might result in a punishment, and now she knew he had her on campus and completely powerless. What if he took her to a frat party? What if he let someone else see her like this? No, she decided. No one could witness her humiliation.

  She served him to the best of her ability, letting him thrust his cock deep into her mouth. Within a minute, he was almost ready to come. She could sense the energy throbbing through his body. She was on her knees, getting fucked in the face by her captor and suddenly a new wave of heat washed through her body because she liked this. Alyssa fought the thought back and tried to think of some reason why she could be so confused. It was absurd, silly, and utterly impossible.

  Any attempt to ignore the truth was shunted down the second he started to come. He shot his load to the back of her throat. She blocked it with her tongue and felt the full taste as she worked to swallow like a good pet. He pumped harder now, groaning with the pleasure of using his adorable pet.

  And when he finished, he pulled free and pulled his pants back up. For several seconds, he looked down at her as though she were a pet who just performed a trick. “You really were made for this, weren’t you?”

  She answered without thinking, “Yes, Master.”

  “Now let’s teach you some tricks.”

  “What?” With the taste of his come still on her lips, she had hoped he was done with her. Last time, he made her service him and then she woke up in her bed. Some part of her expected the same thing now.

  “Tricks,” he said even as he took something else out of his pocket. It was round and coiled up into a ball. When he dropped one end, she felt her face flush once more. The heat roiled through her body.

  “Not another leash.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to get lost,” he said even as he leaned down and clicked the restraint into place. She was collared and leashed now. Somehow she had blocked how embarrassing it felt from her memory.

  This leash turned out to be much longer, so he kept most of the slack wrapped around his hand and wrist. It allowed for the same amount of control but also let her wander the length of the room.

  “On your hands and knees. Unless I need to get your gloves,” he said with a wicked grin. He wanted her to defy him so he could bind her again.

  Instead, she obeyed. With her clothes in a scattered pile, she got down on her hands and looked up at him, waiting for his next order.

  “What are some tricks puppies do for their owners?”

  “I’m not a puppy,” she said, almost pouting.

  “So cute,” he said and patted her head. “But if you keep talking like that, I’ll have to get your muzzle. Yeah, I will. Now let’s see you beg.” He made it all sound cheerful and fun which made her quiver with a different kind of anger. She wanted to see he couldn’t do this to her, but with the taste of his cock still on her lips, she knew he could. Ignoring the truth wouldn’t help.

  Alyssa bit down to keep herself from saying something bad. She couldn’t let him put a muzzle on her, so she got on her knees and held up her hands. He wanted her to beg like a dog. She knew that without even thinking, so she obeyed.

  Lip quivering, she whimpered for him. At once, he got down on his knees too so he could pet her. He ran his hands along her body, up her chest, and tweaked her nipples. Despite the storm of humiliated anger swirling through her chest, Alyssa grinned at the burst of unexpected pleasure. She wanted to curse him for making her enjoy even a tiny part of this, but doing so would only get her in more trouble.

  Standing again, Cale unwound some of her leash and said, “Good puppies roll over. Now roll over for your owner.”

  Alyssa sought through every possible reaction for some way she might be able to escape this latest indignity. He already had her naked, stripped of her real clothes, collared and leashed, what else did he need from her?

  To see her roll over, like a puppy, it seemed. The answer made her bristle as she fought to control herself. Again, she wanted to defy him but knew any act of rebellion would only lead to something worse.

  Alyssa fell onto her back then threw her weight out to get back onto her hands and knees. A second more and he twirled his finger on the air: again, he said with the gesture. Biting down the bile at the back of her throat, Alyssa complied. She rolled over like a doggie for her owner.

  “And beg,” he said.

  She climbed back onto her knees and held out her hands, limps wrist the way he wanted. “Good girl,” he said and scratched behind her ear. “Now how about some fetch for my little puppy girl.”

  Alyssa growled up at him which only made him chuckle. He decided to tease her a bit more, lowered himself, and ran his fingers between her legs. She quivered at once, damp in an instant. She hated her body for the betrayal, but it was one more thing she couldn’t control. It seemed like he had total control over her.

  “Tell me something, are you going to be good for me?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “No,” he said with a grin and a slow shake of his head. “Like a dog.”
r />   Alyssa swallowed, wishing she could be confused about what he meant. Instead, she barked because she had no choice. “Arf! Arf!” she made the same stupid sounds again, so he rewarded her with another treat. He petted her down, rubbing his hands and fingers along her skin. She wanted to purr under the attention. She pleased her Master! Some part of her reveled in that truth, knowing she was a good doggie for him. If anyone else saw her, it would have snapped Alyssa back to the truth about her position, but it felt good. She felt almost—loved.


  No, she thought again and again, screaming those two letters in her head. She didn’t want to crave his touch. Only then, her eyes opened again as she stared into space. It only lasted for a moment, but she realized something. The idea filled her with a new kind of dread.

  Cale managed to program her. His program somehow made her obey. Just a command word and she did whatever he wanted. No matter how hard she fought, her body obeyed him. But what if it went past just actions?

  What if he made her like this? Could he do it? A couple days ago, Alyssa would have assumed any kind of mind control would be utterly impossible. There was no way sounds could make her do as he ordered. This was sci-fi or spy stuff, not real life. Only there she was on her knees begging like a well-trained pup.

  Cale leaned closer so his mouth hovered a few inches from her ear. He was so close that she could feel the heat of his breath on her skin. “You are a good puppy, and good puppies deserve treats.”

  “Please, not here,” she said. Last time, she didn’t know how he used her. She didn’t know where or how the rest of the college was just a door away. So when he held up his finger and wiggled it for her to see, she knew he was going to humiliate her again. Little by little, he wanted to break her down, and this would be another step in her transformation.

  “You know what, I don’t think you should talk anymore. In fact, if you want to speak, it’ll be as a girly canine. Get it?”


  He cut her off with a sharp, “Blue.”

  Her throat tightened and her mouth shut. She didn’t mean to stop. In fact, Alyssa wanted to keep going no matter what it cost her. She could shout at him no matter what he did to her. As long as she showed him that he wouldn’t win without a fight, she could call it a victory.