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Puppy Girls Page 17

  Marie passed the stairwell and fought the urge to walk all the way down to ground level. Nervous vibrations played through her stomach. It felt like a torrent of electricity and wind. Marie didn’t know how else to describe it, especially since she had never been in a situation like this.

  When Marie first left Garret’s office, she had practically run back to the elevator bank. After about ten steps though, she made herself slow down. Running made the collar’s lock bounce against the back of her neck. The taps were gentle enough, and yet they reminded her of how bad she messed up.

  The elevator door opened and Marie rode it down to the lobby in stunned silence. Now that she was alone and had some time, she realized she left the flash drive in his computer which meant he still had the evidence. Now she had to trust him. If he decided to turn her in at the end of this little experiment, she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

  Trusting people sucked. Marie rarely did it. She definitely didn’t do it with most guys. Sure, she was attractive enough and could get their attention, but that was about it. Past a bit of flirting, she didn’t know how to get them to do what she wanted.

  This time around, Marie had to rely on him.

  The doors pinged open, so she stepped out and kept her eyes on the floor. Granted, there wasn’t anyone around, yet her cheeks remained bright red. She had never made such a big mistake. She had never screwed up so royally, and now she had to hope she could fix it. Marie couldn’t tell which emotions would win out. She was scared Garret would turn her in; she was angry at herself for getting into this situation.

  She made another mistake because she forgot about the one person who watched the lobby at night. “Get everything done?” asked the security guard.

  Against her better judgment, Marie looked up. She tried to say something but the words disappeared. They didn’t sound right. The guard grinned at her and scratched his neck. It looked more like pointing though, especially the way he poked the spot where he might have worn a collar. Then his grin made it abundantly clear.

  Marie opened her mouth, hesitated, and closed it. She put her eyes back on the ground and rushed out through the doors. He had known about this. He had known and probably warned Garret. The whole time, she thought she was so smart. Biting down, Marie ground her teeth and cut across the street.

  She got in her car, drove home, and sat down.

  For a long time, Marie simply waited there. She placed her head on her knees and tried to think of something to make herself feel better. Nothing came. She couldn’t think of some way to make sure Garret kept up his end of the bargain. At the same time, her head swirled back to the mistakes she made. She shouldn’t have left the drive. She shouldn’t have underestimated Garret.

  After about half an hour, Marie picked up her phone and tried to call Selena. There was no answer. Marie left a message but figured Garret was right. Her employer would cut off all contact with her.

  Realizing she had nothing else to do, Marie got up and went back to her bedroom. She stripped off her pants, her shirt, bra, and panties. The whole time, she tried to ignore the collar. She reached for the collar’s interior and checked the circuits. They were all sealed under clear plastic, so she had to assume they were waterproof. Besides, she doubted they had batteries big enough to actually hurt her.

  Naked except for the collar, Marie went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She wanted to scrub herself down and pretend her life hadn’t changed. Once the jets of water turned hot, she stepped behind the curtain and let the hot water stream down her body.

  It worked. Marie didn’t have to think. First, she simply stood beneath the hot water as it poured over her hair, down the curve of her back, over her breasts, and down her torso and legs. Every droplet helped distract her. Each one kept her from thinking too much.

  Thoroughly wet, Marie scrubbed herself off. She started with her arms. The white suds and cool, clean scent absorbed her sensations once again. She rubbed down her armpits, her biceps, her forearms, and her hands. From there, she braced one leg against the back of her shower, leaned forward and started to wash her legs.

  Her breasts pulled down, though she was plenty young to keep them pert and nearly taut. For a moment, Marie grinned at the thought of her tits. They were quite nice. It was probably one of her best assets. Not too small, not too big. They seemed to be in that magical spot. Guys who liked smaller tits still enjoyed their perkiness while guys who wanted the bigger globes still longed to run their hands over her nipples and knead her flesh.

  Marie kept at it. She tried to come up with a solution or strategy. She kept thinking there had to be some way for her to make sure he didn’t turn her in. Otherwise, she would be beholden to him forever. Granted, he had enough money that some other entertainment would probably come along, but Marie didn’t want to chance it.

  The collar weighed down on her. It served as a constant reminder of how Garret could control her in any way he wished. It seemed so unfair until she remembered that she tried to steal from him. She tried to cheat him in spite of the fact that he offered her a good gig. She could have simply decorated his office, but no, she decided to be a thrill seeker. She tried to do something awesome and epic, and now she belonged to him.

  Well, not literally. He just wanted her to test the collar.

  Marie touched the band around her neck. Without even thinking about it, her hand slipped behind her neck and she touched the padlock. Her teeth locked up as she thought of how she couldn’t take this off.

  Refusing to let the collar freak her out, Marie decided to make herself feel better. She was alone and in the shower, so she closed her eyes, braced one hand against the bathroom wall, and used the other to massage herself. She touched the lips between her legs, closed her eyes, and took in a long breath.

  The hot, damp air felt so good on her skin and down her throat. She savored the heat, and her touch only got herself worked up even faster. Marie dipped her mind into a fantasy, one where she didn’t have to think. Usually, she picked an actor or singer, someone powerful and domineering. She pictured herself in something slinky and shimmery. Tonight, she simply saw herself naked.

  And when she imagined the man who would take her, hold her down, and ride her until she came so hard that her skin seemed to shimmer and vibrate, it was someone Marie never would have expected.


  She saw him in her bedroom doorway. She saw him smile at her, hold up one finger, and spin it around. His meaning was clear, and she complied. She gave a little spin, just afast enough to make the hem of her baby doll negligee flare up and out. He didn’t tease her or talk to her.

  No, Garret strode ahead and pushed her down onto the bed. His nudge was firm and unyielding, a gentle blow of force which immediately made it clear who was in charge here. He had the evidence; he owned her. She had to obey, and she had to comply. As those words worked their way through Marie’s body, she got hotter and wetter. She might have been dripping if the shower water didn’t already course down the length of her skin.

  She looked up at him and watched as he unbuttoned his shirt. A dark blue silk, his shirt fell off with one tug. He dropped it to the floor to reveal his bare chest. Like so many other money managers, he wanted to project an image of command and authority, so he worked out. Her eyes flickered a bit wider to see the definition of his muscles. He kicked off his trousers and boxer briefs, and she licked her lips at the sight of his member.

  In the shower, Marie’s finger sped up. She worked her digits from side to side and up and down, going deeper and moving faster. Her heartbeat pounded through her skin, every gasp of breath a quickened pull of air.

  Garret climbed onto the bed, then over her. He grabbed her wrists and held her hands over her head. Marie tried to resist halfheartedly. She tested the bounds of his strength and realized he was too heavy and too strong for her. Lean and compacted with tight muscles, he had her and she would remain there, beneath him on that bed, until he decided to let her go.

  Judging from the hungry look in his eyes, that might not have been for a long, long time.

  He bent down and kissed her. His mouth enveloped her lips as his tongue explored her teeth and teased her senses. She took in the scent of his body, a mix of musk and cologne. Marie gave in. She let him tease her. She let him dominate her.

  Before long, he slid his cock into her hot, wet center. He rocked his hips down and up, down and up. The pattern of motion made it impossible to think. All of her words shut down and disappeared as she contemplated nothing but those sensations tingling and running through her nervous system. Marie couldn’t manage anything more than making her heart pump and trying to keep her breathing in check.

  “You’re mine,” he told her and sped up. Until this point, Marie thought he wouldn’t change his rhythm. She thought he had been going fast, only now his hips moved quicker. His cock reached deeper inside of her, graving along her most sensitive parts. Her body sang out as the heat intensified into an inferno. She felt it burning through her skin, a powerful pleasure which made her helpless.

  Marie’s fingers worked faster. She imagined they were his cock.

  She started to come.

  He started to climax.

  She moaned in the shower, her arm taut as she held herself up. This orgasm exploded through her like a sonic boom. Her knees shuddered and threatened to give out. Raising her face into the stream of hot water, Marie straightened her back and rinsed off her finger.

  Sure, Marie loved touching herself like most women, and yet she had never gotten herself off quite like that. She couldn’t explain it, but something about picturing Garret’s naked body on top of hers just ignited something. Marie couldn’t even name the impulse, and yet it had rocketed through her like nothing else.

  After she turned off the water, got out, and toweled off, Marie went back to her bedroom and fell onto the sheets. She remembered making her bed that morning before leaving for Garret’s office. The whole time, she had hummed with anticipation because she knew this would be the night.

  She never seriously thought she would get caught.

  As the last patches of dampness dissipated and dried on the warmth of her bed, Marie gazed up at the ceiling and wondered how he knew. She must have made a mistake somewhere. She might have giggled too much or picked out the wrong outfit. A misstep somewhere made it clear she was a spy and not an eager interior decorator.

  At the same time, she had to wonder why he didn’t simply call the police. Most guys in finance liked to think they were badass rogues who could break whichever rules they chose, and yet they all talked about compliance. They all worried about regulators.

  He collared her.

  He made her wear a collar like a stupid dog.

  Marie didn’t want to get frustrated. Right then, she understood perfect well how letting her emotions get the best of her would be a terrible mistake. If she acted rashly, her decision might follow her for years.

  But then she started to sit up and froze when she felt the padlock hit the back of her neck. She was locked in a collar. She was collared. He had her stuck in this stupid thing. Then he said something about behavioral modification. Garret never gave her an exact answer. It might change her moods or make her want to do something. Marie started to wonder if she would have touched herself in the shower if this thing weren’t still on.

  She couldn’t do this.

  All at once, the decision crystallized. Marie hopped onto her feet. She went straight back to the kitchen, opened one of the counter drawers, and found a pair of scissors. Sure, the collar was a heavy leather, but she figured she could work it off. Messing around with the lock seemed like a bad idea. The scissors could do it. They were high quality and meant for thick fabrics.

  Sure, she might break the blades, but she really didn’t care.

  Marie had made her choice. She picked a portion of the collar which didn’t have any circuitry embedded in it. The chips seemed to have been arranged with care, and she didn’t want to do anything stupid like electrocuting herself.

  The attempted spy parted the scissor blades and pulled a section of the collar between them. While Garret had made sure it had been attached at a snug fit, she could still pull it. The opposite portion dug into her neck, but Marie didn’t mind the discomfort.

  If she did this, it would be a challenge to Garret’s authority. He would have no reason not to simply turn her in. Well, she had enough money from other jobs. She could hire herself a good lawyer. And she was pretty, so she figured a judge and jury would have sympathy for her, especially if she said she had no choice. She could cry on the stand. People would feel sorry for her.

  Heart pounding again, Marie continued to chop and cak through the leather. He wouldn’t collar her. He wouldn’t make her feel like an animal, no matter what kind of dirt he had on her. Second by second, she made slow progress. Every few minutes, Marie checked. In about twenty minutes, she had cut less than a tenth of the collar.

  Oh well, she figured she had plenty of time.

  Someone knocked on her front door. Marie glanced back at the clock. It was still absurdly early…or late depending on the point of view. Either way, no one should have approached her place.

  Marie started to chew on her lower lip. She wondered if it would be a cop or something. Maybe the collar was some stupid joke on Garret’s part. Perhaps he simply wanted to see if he could get her to do what he wished before sending her home with the hope this might all end well.

  In any case, she couldn’t think of a good reason to actually let anyone in. Marie held her breath as the knocking stopped. She gripped the countertop and stared back at the door. Nothing seemed to happen. She figured they left.

  She exhaled right as someone slid something into the front door. The knob turned, and the door swung inward. Garret stepped inside and placed a key in his pocket.

  “How?” she asked, her forehead bunched in confusion.

  “I’ve known about you for some time, remember Marie? I’ve made a point of studying you. Getting a key duplicated was the least of my research.” He crossed the room and cornered her in the kitchen.

  “What, what are you doing here?” she hated the way her voice cracked and sputtered, but Marie couldn’t find any sense of confidence. Even in her own home, he seemed to take charge.

  “You reneged on your end of our bargain.” He spoke simply as though this were nothing more than a comment on the weather or the economy.

  “But how did you know?” she lowered her hand and dropped her scissors. They clattered to the floor.

  “A sophisticated piece of technology like that? It has sensors for pretty much everything,” he grinned and held up his phone. He had an application open. A bunch of different buttons were apparent on the touch screen along with a series of numbers and charts. Marie couldn’t make them out, yet she wondered what they all meant nonetheless.

  Marie bowed her head and felt a rush of blush shoot through her skin. She colored a bright shade of crimson because she was completely naked. After her shower, she never put on any more clothes. She had been too determined to get the collar off.

  Embarassment shut her down. Marie covered her breasts and ducked back behind the counter.

  “Come now, don’t be embarrassed. I’m going to be seeing a lot more of your body from now on,” he told her.

  Marie tried to process those words. They passed over her head; they didn’t make any sense. “Get out!” she shouted back at him. She put her back against her bottom cabinent, “You can’t be here!” She panted through another two gulps of air, “Look, I don’t care what you tell the police. I’ll deal with it.” That wasn’t the most ferocious or impressive response she could have summoned, yet it would have to do.

  Instead of hearing him curse or threaten her, he let out an altogether different sound. He chuckled.

  Marie felt her cheeks heat at the sound. He walked in on her, and it seemed so unfair that he got to see her naked. Few guys got that honor and never before doing a lot of work. They had to woo her. They had to prove themselves, but Garret just walked in.

  “No,” he explained easily. “I am not going to call the police. Since you broke our deal, we’re going to have to accelerate the pace of your training.”

  “Training?” she squawked.

  “Exactly. Now come out here. There are some things we need to establish.”

  Marie refused. She glanced across the kitchen aisle and spotted her cordless phone. She could jump up, grab it, and call the cops herself. That way, he would have to leave or risk an incident. She could claim he attacked her. If nothing else, he broke in because she didn’t invite him.

  “Screw you!” she called back. Marie dropped back down against the floor and braced herself. She just had to dash for the phone. Then she would get to see him taken away in handcuffs. A guy like Garret assuredly had some high powered lawyer, but even a minor victory would have made her feel good.

  As those plans evolved in her head, she didn’t see it coming. She had no idea that he held his phone in one hand and tapped a button with the other. She couldn’t guess that a signal went from his phone, out through the networks, bounced down from a satellite, and linked back to the collar.

  One of the collar’s batteries unleashed a jolt directly into her skin. Marie yelped, more in shock than pain.

  “That was the first setting. I have no problem making it stronger.”

  “What?” she whispered, too stunned to believe what he implied. The jolt must have been a snap of static electricity. There had to be some other explanation.

  “Your collar is designed for behavioral modification. If I’m not pleased with your actions, then I can offer certain incentives and punishments.” He sounded completely confident, a man with all of the cards. “You have five seconds to present yourself.”

  He didn’t count. He didn’t bother, yet Marie found herself doing it for him. She mouthed the numbers: one, two, three, four, five. With each tick, the apprehension tightened around her chest. She wanted him out. She wanted to be free of him while forgetting how she brought this on herself.
