Puppy Girls Read online

Page 18

  Right as she hit the count of five, another shock punched from the collar into her flesh. The bolt of energy burned through her skin, a flash of agony that faded just as fast. Her eyes watered and she cried out only to cover her mouth.

  “I’ll give you three seconds this time.”

  Marie didn’t think this kind of technology could exist. It seemed so improbable, so downright impossible. In spite of those doubts, Marie felt the tingles trickle through her skin. He could shock her. This was a fact she couldn’t deny or refute.

  As her skin heated up another shade of scarlet, Marie got back onto her bare feet, bowed her chin against her chest, and stepped out from behind the counter. He held one arm across her chest and placed the other hand above her sex.

  Her attempt at modesty must have been completely pathetic.

  For his part, Garret enjoyed the way she tried to hide herself. She really did have an incredible body. Rather than repulse him with her attempt at hiding herself, Marie enticed him further.

  “Come here.”

  She stared at him, clearly torn between following his command to avoid another shock of pain and giving in. A girl like Marie probably hated the idea of letting a man dominate her so completely and explicitly. This wasn’t a flirtation. He allowed her no illusion of control.

  He raised his phone and hit another button. The signal was sent right as she called out for him not to do it. Too late, she waited too long and a third jolt rocked through her skin. This one was stronger yet and nearly knocked her down on her butt.

  “Come here,” he repeated.

  This time, Marie bowed her chin again and walked over to him. She moved slowly, but he didn’t mind. She stopped about four feet from him. She would learn to be more accommodating, but for their first time together, he didn’t mind. Garret cleared the distance between them and stroked her mane.

  The strands of Marie’s hair glistened along the harsh kitchen light. He petted her, running his hand over the curve of her head and down to the nape of her neck. He started to scratch the skin above the collar.

  Despite her fervent desire to remain defiant and completely untouched by his strokes, Marie started to relax. She kept her hands over her forbidden body parts, yet a low purr thrummed from deep in her core.

  “This is what’s going to happen,” he told her. “You are going to be mine from now on. You can struggle and resist. In fact, I expect you’ll fight very hard to free yourself of my power, but in time, you’ll understand what you are now.”

  For the first time since getting collared, Marie lifted her face and met his gaze. “What am I now?” the fire of an independent woman burned bright in her stare and the steel of her tone.

  “You’re my pet.”

  “You’re kidding,” she said.

  “Not even a little. But first, we’re going to work on your obedience.”

  “No,” Marie spun around and dropped her hands. She strode for the phone. It was a mistaken to leave the cover provided by the kitchen counter. She made it almost a foot before his hand snapped out, and he grabbed her wrist.

  Garret pulled her back and wrapped his arms around her. “You are mine,” he told her again. “Now get on your knees.”

  “No,” she said.

  He met her resistance with a press of his touch screen. The command jumped and hit her collar. The elecriticy snapped into her skin, lit her pain receptors, and made her flinch again. This time, he let go and she fell to her knees.


  “Fine,” she snarled. “I’ll behave.”

  “Smart girl.”

  Marie stared up at him and wished she could do something. She wanted to smack him or call the police, something, anything. The desire for revenge heated up her chest and started to burn through her initial embarrassment.

  Garret examined her. He loved the shine of her hair, the curve of her cheeks, and the way her eyes were lit by so much anger. He drank in the sight of her breasts and the light blond fuzz between her legs. He was going to have fun making her his. In time, she would learn to love that spot by his feet. She was going to make an excellent doggie girl.

  “Unzip my fly,” he told her.

  Marie didn’t answer, but she did act. Seeing she had no choice and refused to let him shock her again, she reached up and took the zipper tab between his legs. She slid it down and realized he was already quite hard.

  “Pull out my cock.”

  Again, she did as he ordered. In some ways, this almost felt like being back at the office. She followed him around his office like an eager puppy. Clipboard in hand, she nodded and agreed with almost everything he said, not only because he was the boss but because he seemed to know more about color, design, and layout than any of her previous clients.

  Now he wanted something entirely different.

  Her hands should have trembled. Disgust and revulsion should have pumped through her body. But she didn’t find those emotions. A trickle of nervous energy hummed at the back of her neck because he could jolt her anytime he wished, but if she did as he asked, Marie didn’t think he would punish her unnecessarily. He wasn’t cruel, just very efficient.

  She slid her fingers into the folds of his underwear. His cock already pressed against the fabric, so when she opened a gap, it spilled out. Marie had imagined his body in her fantasies. The truth was more intimidating and much more imposing.


  Naked and on her knees, Marie felt a swarm of goose bumps line her skin. She had given some past boyfriends blowjobs, but only when they were really good. To be ordered to submit like this felt completely alien, and yet she fantasized about images like this. She touched herself to the idea of being pinned and used by this man.

  Marie comforted herself with the thought that she had no choice. Besides, after this she could hope he would let her go. That’s why she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. She had to straighten her back and bent her neck forward to get the length of his shaft in her mouth.

  She pulled her tongue from the base of his shaft up along his full length to the tip of his head. He groaned, a gently powerful sound that seemed to vibrate out from the whole of his body.

  For the most part, Marie stopped thinking. She didn’t want to picture herself on her knees, forced to service this man like this. At the same time, she wanted to ignore a wholly different scent. It was her. She caught the scent of her excitement. Her pussy had gotten wet. She didn’t know if it was because this reality was so similar to her fantasy or if getting used triggered some deep desire she never explored. Either way, she wanted this to end, so she started to speed up. She did her absolute best and gave the best head of her life. She ran her tongue along his shaft, she gently kissed him, and she tightened her mouth down at the base of his shaft.

  Every sound and motion gave her hints as to what he liked. She tried to detect every indication, and she used those to guide him. But then something occurred to her. He wasn’t going to be polite. He was going to make her swallow.

  The revelation propped her eyes open, but it was too late because just as she realized what was about to happen, he started to come. His orgasm rocked his cock. It shuddered and shook as he shot his load right to be the back of her throat. Marie hoped this would pay off her debt to him, so she swallowed. She gulped down each and every drop of his seed. She hated herself for doing it. The same spread through her like a tidal wave.

  On and on, he came. He came so hard that he had to grab her hair and maneuver her face into the right positions. Marie fought through the shame and those painful tugs until he finished and slipped his penis back from her lips. A string of ejaculate dangled from her lips until she quickly swiped it away with the back of her arm.

  Without meaning to, Marie dropped back down onto her hands and knees. She worked to catch her breath. Before this, she had no idea that oral sex could be so demanding. It had been two or three minutes of frantic movements where she could only breathe through her nostrils. Now
she tried to catch up with her body’s demands.

  Within a few seconds, she glanced up and saw Garret sitting at her dining room table. He had one leg crossed as he watched her. Looking down, his expression was difficult to read. He could have been happy or calculating. Considering his profession, it was probably both.

  “What happens now?” she asked, hopeful.

  “That’s a very smart question. First, I’m going to leave. Once I step out your front door, two of my associates will be by to pick you up. If you’re a good girl, Josh and Sandy will be very gentle with you. If you resist, then things might get a bit more unpleasant. They’ll get you packaged and ready to go. Then we can really start your training, puppy girl.”

  Through the haze of embarrassment and humiliation, Marie didn’t understand what he said. But he wasn’t about to provide any more explanation; Garret stood up and headed for the door. As he did so, he typed a text into his phone and hit send. Marie watched him, still on the floor.

  Her front door opened and shut. A puff of cold air crossed the length of her apartment and caressed her skin. Marie swallowed and waited as the silence descended. Her heartbeat calmed as she waited. She waited for something impossible because he had to be teasing her. It was a taunt. He wasn’t really going to take her. Since nothing happened right away, she glanced over at the sink and started to think of rinsing out her mouth.

  The front door opened and two people marched inside.

  Marie spun around without standing. There were two of them, a man and a woman. The main had a bulky build and light brown hair. His eyes locked onto her as though she were prey. The other one was a woman. She looked younger, maybe in her early twenties. While the man had a heavier build, she seemed positively elfin. Around five four or five three, she had thin limbs and a narrow waist. She kept her hair cropped short with a pixie cut. The instant her eyes lit on Marie, the girl smiled.

  Marie remembered their names. The guy, Josh, quickly nodded, turned back and pulled something into the apartment. It looked like a box on wheels. A heavy black blanket hid whatever it contained.

  The girl, Sandy, pointed, “It looks like he made this one easy for us.”

  Josh chuckles, “Poor girl. She looks so confused.”

  “We can help her with that.”

  Almost as though she were about to approach a stray animal, Sandy took a couple quiet steps forward. With her hands right over her stomach, she bent forward, “Hi there. If you’re good, we’ll get this done very quickly. Okay?”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Josh stuck his head outside, “We’re clear out here.” He rolled the box further into her apartment and pulled the blanket off. Marie’s eyes widened to the size of quarters. It was a cage. It was just barely big enough for her. It would have been comfortable for a bigger dog, but it would be a tight squeeze for Marie.

  Then she blinked, realizing what she just thought. This was for her. Garret said they were going to get her packaged.

  “Uh oh,” said the small girl. “I think she’s going to run.” She kept her voice low and comforting, almost as though she thought Marie could only understand her tone. It was the same strategy most people would have used with a skittish animal.

  Marie watched Sandy’s hands. She moved one down to her belt. It had a bunch of small pouches. Sandy opened a pocket and pulled something out. Marie couldn’t believe it, but the girl had a leash. When Marie glanced over at the man, she saw he had retrieved something else as well.

  It took her a second to process through the straps, rings, and big ball at the center. It was a muzzle! They really were there to take her.

  At once, Marie’s hesitation snapped. She jumped to her feet and ran for her bedroom. She had her phone there. If she could get the door shut and get out one call, she would have a chance.

  Marie’s bare feet made it half way across the kitchen before she felt two small arms loop around her waist. Although she was small, Sandy possessed the practiced strength of a huntress. She yanked Marie back, pulled the girl off her feet, and used the momentum to turn her back.

  By the time Marie blinked and understood what happened, she saw Josh there before her. He grabbed one wrist while Sandy took the other. Together, they forced Marie down onto her stomach.

  The interior decorator tried to scream. She hated the idea of her neighbors seeing her like this, but she had to do something. Her mouth open, she inhaled, but before she managed to fill her lungs, Josh shoved the gag into her mouth. The leather was clean but its odor filled her nostrils. Marie bit down automatically. It felt strange because the leather sphere filled most of her mouth. It was just shy of triggering her gag reflex. Josh pulled the straps around her head and clicked them in place.

  While he muzzled the newly captured puppy, Sandy grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back. She also sat on their prey’s legs, effectively trapping Marie completely. Clearly, these two knew what they were doing. They got her down and pinned before she realized what happened.

  Marie still fought though. She tried to scream through the muzzle, but only a few sounds got past the heavy leather. No one else would be able to hear her. She kicked her feet against the carpet, but those sounds were equally muffled.

  They had her.

  Sandy started to pet her head and told her to shush. She was quite nice about it and they were both patient as Marie worked out her struggles. Fighting with everything she had, Marie burned through her strength until she was damp with sweat, panting, and completely drained.

  “Think she’s good?”

  “Pretty much,” Josh said.

  “Marie, are you going to be a good girl for us?” Sandy asked. She actually sounded kind and compassionate, but the cage waited across the room. Marie hated the idea of being on the other side of those wired bars.

  She didn’t answer at first. This was the full extent of her rebellion, and yet she clung to her defiance. It might have been silly, especially as Josh reached down and gave her ass a little squeeze. Since she was Garret’s prize, Marie reasoned Josh wouldn’t do anything extreme, and yet she could feel his eyes on her. He drank in the sight of her hair, her back, her exposed buttocks, and the curves of her legs.

  Sandy didn’t seem to mind Marie’s reticence. She sounded no less cheerful when she said, “If you’re a bad puppy, we’re going to have to spank you. I don’t want to do that, but Josh here likes being mean sometimes. So are you going to be good?”

  Again, Marie didn’t respond.

  Josh smacked her ass. It was an open palmed blow and it stung more than Marie could have imagined. The shock of pain reminded of her the collar. A bright red and hot welt sprang up along her ass. He must have left a handprint.

  He raised his hand again. Marie couldn’t speak, but she tried anyway. Her dams of resistance shattered all at once. She kicked her feet down again, nodded her head, and tried to whimper out her agreement. She’d be good.

  Sandy petted her and cooed about how she was going to like this life. She was going to be a happy puppy with her new owner. Those words didn’t make sense to Marie. She only understood the cool metal as Sandy clipped a leash to her collar and the illusion of freedom when they let her up.

  “Don’t move,” Sandy told her. The cheerfulness gave way to a different edge. She got up and left the room for a few minutes. While Sandy was gone, Josh took his time to examine their catch. He petted and stroked the hapless girl. Marie tried to struggle once or twice. Each time, her efforts were rewarded with a hard smack to her taut bottom.

  When she returned, Marie lifted her chin and saw the girl held a stack of pressed pieces of clothing. They were all made of sturdy leather, but Marie couldn’t make out much more than that.

  Sandy separated one of the articles and set the others aside. At first, Marie couldn’t make out what the girl held. After a second of prostrate examination, Marie decided it was some kind of sleeve even though it looked too wide. Maybe it was supposed to hang low or something.

p; “Alright, puppy girl,” Sandy announced cheerfully, “I want you to get on your elbows and knees. Hold your hands up and keep your feet in the air.”

  Marie’s brow crumpled in confusion again. She had never seen anything like this. Although part of her wanted to resist, she remembered how the first spanking felt, so she did as Sandy instructed. Josh let her up, and Marie got onto her elbows and knees.

  Sandy kneeled beside her. She took one of Marie’s arms and lifted it up. She then pulled it into the sleeve. The leather parted easily for her until the full length of her arm had been covered by the heavy material. A second more and Sandy zipped up the side, effectively trapping Mare’s arm in that position. It only took another second for the girl to get Marie’s other arm trapped in the same way.

  The second set of sleeves were broader but had the same design. Sandy had Marie lift one of her knees. She then pulled the leather sleeve around Marie’s shin and thigh. Her leg was trapped in the V position and could no longer straighten. With these things on, Marie wouldn’t be able to stand up. She would be forced to crawl.

  She considered trying to flee then. Sure, Josh and Sandy had effectively immobilized her before when she had the full range of motion for all of her limbs. They didn’t even have to break a sweat, and yet she couldn’t let them do this. Marie realized that once these sleeves were on her, she would have to move around like a dog. She would be completely stuck on her hands and knees until someone unzipped the leather straps.

  They already had her.

  That thought, more than anything, kept Marie from throwing a fit or trying to flee. If she examined her circumstances rationally, she had to admit it. They already had her trapped. Sandy had three of the sleeves on her. Marie couldn’t bend her elbows, and her right leg was effectively bound. Letting Garret’s associates finish the job just didn’t feel like a big deal even as it meant a loss of freedom.

  The fourth sleeve went on. Marie shut her eyes as she heard the zipper climb up the length of her leg. She was officially trapped.