Puppy Girls Page 19
“Crawl,” Josh ordered.
Marie imagined his hand coming down on her again. The thought of getting spanked and of it really hurting kept her docile. She crawled across the floor. On her feet, Sandy had no trouble getting to the cage first. She unlatched the sides and opened it for her.
Moving was more difficult. The bottoms of the sleeves were padded which made it easier, but she had never crawled on her elbows before. Marie took a couple tentative steps as her captors watched. Both Sandy and Josh smirked down at her as Marie made her way into another level of bondage and degradation.
Marie got into the cage and tried to ignore the sound of the bars clanging back into place as Sandy clicked the latches. She was collared, leashed, and caged. A moment later, Marie didn’t get to see anything else because they threw the blanket over the wired bars.
She couldn’t see anything, but the world moved around her nonetheless. Marie felt the sway of her cage. First she was loaded into what she guessed was a van. It probably wasn’t a truck since she could hear Sandy and Josh talking about her up front. The blanket muffled their voices, but the captive puppy heard them anyway.
Most of the conversation sounded pretty generic. They talked a bit about directions, though none of it helped Marie figure out where they were headed. He might ask if they were going left or right. She would tell him to turn here or there or follow a particular car.
Once the road straightened out, Sandy’s voice came out, “What do you think of this one?”
“Nice body.”
“They all have nice bodies. Think she’ll be a keeper for him?”
“I don’t know. She gave in a bit too easily. I’m not sure she can challenge the boss the way he’d like.”
“If she’s submissive, she’ll make for a better dog.”
“Could be.”
Marie listened to their conversation and bit her lower lip, wishing they would say more. She had to understand what was happening. As they drove along roads she couldn’t see and discussed a fate she couldn’t possibly comprehend, Marie contemplated her situation.
This was bad. This was so much worse than the cops. Marie never should have agreed to put on the collar. She never should have been so stupid and gotten herself caught. Regret dug in at the back of her throat as she considered the bars and the leather straps and her collar and the stupid muzzle.
Marie couldn’t even ask about where they were headed.
The truck came to a stop. Sandy and Josh continued to talk about her. Their conversation tilted to the more lascivious though. Sandy thought about what it would be like to keep Marie as a slave girl. After all, they already knew she looked good in a collar. Clothes certainly weren’t necessary.
Josh disagreed. He thought she would make an excellent filly. He wanted to see her harnessed up and pulling a cart. He could wash her down with a hose when she got covered in dirt and sweat, plus a stuck-up brat like her would do well as a beast of burden.
Marie heard all of those words, but few of them really made sense. They kept calling her a dog or a horse, yet they had to realize she was a person. Even muzzled, she was still a young woman, no matter what they said.
They came to a stop. She was pulled onto a cart of some sort and loaded up somewhere else. Distantly, Marie caught the sound of engines, though these had a different tone. Marie grabbed at the bars as her cage got jarred from side to side. At the back of her mind, she got nervous her cage might get tossed around like a piece of luggage.
She realized what the engines sounded like. They reminded her of a small plane. Marie swallowed back because they were taking her somewhere even farther.
They set her down and the world remained motionless. She couldn’t see anything through the heavy blanket. But then momentum tugged at her again. She felt them speed up. The trip got bumpy, then all at once it became smooth. Her stomach dropped out like when she was on an elevator.
She had been right. She was on a plane.
Nervousness set in at the back of her stomach, but those sensations drifted away as she waited. She didn’t know how long they were going to travel. Marie couldn’t guess where they were headed or what was about to happen. She longed for her phone, her clothes, to be free of this stupid cage.
But since she wasn’t about to get any of those things, Marie hunkered down, closed her eyes, and tried to rest.
In spite of the cramped quarters, Marie managed to nod off for a while. She drifted into the gray of almost asleep even as the plane’s turbulence continued to vibrate and bounce around her.
Then she opened her eyes, realized she had been asleep, and realized something else. The sounds of the plane’s engines had been replaced. She was back in a truck or a van. The road seemed bumpier than before though. They drove for a few more minutes, only this time Marie didn’t get to pick out any conversation from Sandy or Josh.
Someone dragged her cage from the back of the truck. The bottom of her cage screeched against the van’s metal floor, and Marie gripped the bars tighter, terrified of what she might face. She wondered if she could get to a phone, but even if she did, she didn’t know who to call. Garret could have taken her to another country or some spot out in the wild.
She had no idea what was going to happen to her.
The cage was set down. At once, Marie picked up the scent of freshly cut grass. She reached over and scratched the base of her nose. A second later, the blanket was pulled away.
Bright sunlight beat against her eyes. Marie had to blink several times to get her eyes to adjust to the glare. Before she managed that, she made out the silloutte of a man standing above her. Naked and caged, she shivered at the thought of anyone seeing her like this.
Then she heard his voice and she relaxed a tiny bit.
“Did you have a good trip, puppy girl?” Garret’s tone was light and teasing.
Of course, Marie couldn’t respond, not with the muzzle still secured tightly over her mouth. Instead, she had to be satisfied with a burning stare. It didn’t work. Garret simply chuckled and unlatched her cage door.
For a second, Marie thought he made some terrible mistake. If he opened the cage door, she could rush out and try to escape. All around her, there was open space and well trimmed grass. A hundred yards behind him, she spotted a tree line. If only she could make it out of his sight, she might have a shot at getting away from him. Then she would only have to get the collar off.
But no, she crawled out of the cage and was reminded of how the leather sleeves forced her to crawl.
She worked her way from the cage, lifted her chin, and strained to look up at her captor. He made it a bit easier by kneeling in front of her, only her eyes locked onto what he held. It was another leash. The metal clasp dangled from his grip. It swayed back and forth, almost hypnotically. He forced her to crawl. Now he would have his puppy girl on a leash, just like any other pet.
Marie tried to run. She scampered away toward the tree line. It was stupid and she only made it about five feet before her elbow slipped and she fell onto her bare chest. The cold grass was damp and left droplets of moisture along the length of her torso.
Garret came over and kneeled above her. He spread his legs around her, straddling her and trapping her even as he rolled Marie onto her back. She glared at him again, feeling more embarrassed than angry this time. She tried to get away and it was an utterly pathetic attempt.
“Bad girl. I think I’m going to have to give you some obedience training. Aren’t I?”
Marie tightened her eyelids again. Her angry slits did nothing to intimidate or frighten him. It struck her as completely unfair. He could play with her however he wanted. He had already transported her to some unknown locale, and yet she couldn’t even complain.
Sure, Marie might have tried to get something out through the muzzle, but her mumbled declarations would have just demonstrated her powerlessness. Besides, she didn’t want to give Garret anything else to laugh about.
“Definitely in need of training,” h
e told her. “Let’s start with a walk. I can show you around my estate.” He strolled off, and for a moment, Marie meant to stand her ground. She was going to brace herself there against the grass and refuse to move. She wouldn’t allow him to think he had beaten her with a collar and muzzle.
The leash’s slack disappeared as the distance between them increased. When the collar’s hook pulled the collar’s ring upward, it triggered something. The collar jolted her. The pain flared through her. It was nearly enough to knock Marie back onto her stomach.
“C’mon, puppy girl,” he told her without a backward glance. He did, however, give another tug, simply to prove he could. The ring rose up again, pulled by the leash, and the collar obeyed the signal. It shocked her again. Marie gasped through the pain, biting down and refusing to cry out.
Even though she wanted to demonstrate her defiance, Marie had to start crawling. Those shocks stung more than she wanted to admit, and she didn’t know how many she could take before she simply gave in completely and resolved herself to pleasing Garret, if only to protect herself from the collar’s bite.
They walked down to the line of trees. A few thistles and pieces of bark scratched at Marie’s sides and legs, but she managed to avoid them so long as she was careful where she stepped. For the most part, she wanted to keep her face down, if only to hide her bright blush from Garret, but before long, she had to admit she needed information. She couldn’t shut her eyes and simply follow the man who had her leashed.
She had to learn about her surroundings if she were to have any chance of getting away.
Garret told her about some of the trees. There were a variety of different breeds. He kept a botanist on staff to ensure his trees remained strong and healthy. He told her various facts without asking any questions. Why bother when his dog obviously couldn’t answer?
After they visited the trees, he walked her back across the grass and they circled his house. It looked like a small mansion, white with dark blue trim along the windows and doors. There was a helicopter pad off to the side along with one road. Marie kept peering off into the distance, hoping to see a larger public road or maybe another building, but she didn’t find anything.
He showed her the pool and said she would be getting some exercise in there. He showed her a post with a hook. Simply by tossing her in, he could hook her leash to the post and she would have to swim until he decided to help her out. The sleeves were very convenience, he told her.
From there, he led her inside. He showed her around. He had a massive living room perfect for entertaining. There were also two kitchens, a large dining room, a smaller one for more intimate affairs, an art gallery, and three offices. This wasn’t so much a house as a command center. He could entertain presidents or track pretty much any piece of information.
Garret explained he liked to use this place to impress potential clients. He also told her she was going to be a big part of that.
When Marie looked up at him quizzically, he smirked down at her and deigned to share a piece of information with his doggie, “You see, individuals in power respect those who can control those around them. For example, when I show you off to my allies and competitors, they’ll learn something about me.”
Her eyes widened. She didn’t care about his Machiavellian concept of inspiration or how he wanted to manipulate his competitors. No, she imagined men and women in suits walking by or seeing her collared and naked, turned into a plaything.
“That’s right,” he said with an exaggerated nod. “You’re going to be very famous. In fact, we’re going to be putting on a little dog show.”
Marie had whimpered through the muzzle. It was her only way to beg and plead for her master to explain what he meant. After those two words, “dog show,” he refused to say another word on the subject.
Instead, he led her down a hall to a pair of double doors. They opened automatically for him. Peering inside, Marie took in the visage of the largest and most extravagant bedroom she had ever seen.
The four-poster bed was massive and covered in sleek sheets, the sort Marie probably couldn’t have afforded on a month’s income. There was a big screen TV mounted to the wall along with a row of computers. Marie guessed he liked to do some work in here. Chairs, a couch, and a small table took up another corner of the room. Altogether, this place must have been larger than her apartment.
More important than the ostentatious surroundings was something Marie didn’t expect. She inhaled and her lungs locked up because a woman stood there with her arms behind her back.
“Welcome back, sir.”
“Thank you, Carla.”
Marie stared up at the woman as a hope sparked inside of the puppy. She looked at Carla with big, pleading eyes. She wanted to make it clear. She didn’t want this. She never signed up to be his pet. If Carla had any sense of compassion or sympathy, she had to help Marie get out of her collar.
Garret rubbed the top of Marie’s head, messing up a few strands of her blond hair in the process. “Carla, meet Marie. She’s my new pet. We’re going to be having a lot of fun with her, don’t you think?”
“Yes, sir,” Carla said with the brisk and efficient manner of a young woman used to service. She reminded Marie of those people who went to top-notch universities to train as secretaries or butlers. “Would you like me to get her ready?”
“In a moment,” he told his servant as he headed deeper into his chambers. Garret gave the leash another pull, just shy of enough to shock Marie again. Understanding she could be punished at any moment for the slightest infraction, his dog chased after her owner.
As she crawled after him, Marie peeked up at Carla. The servant’s eyes were on Marie, though instead of sympathy or even pity, Carla looked down at her with nothing but disdain. Marie swallowed and tried to hide her embarrassment. The servant didn’t seem to care. She watched the collared girl and checked out her naked ass, her bare legs, and the way her breasts jiggled from her chest.
Garret indicated a big, whicker basket. It had a dark red pad and was only a little bit larger than the cage in which they transported her. “This is where you’re going to sleep on most nights. Don’t worry about wandering off. My home has been equipped with a variety of invisible fences. If you get lost, it won’t be long before you come back with your tail between your legs. Speaking of which, I think we’re done with the tour. Carla, would you prepare my dog?”
“Yes, sir.”
With that, Garret handed off Marie’s leash. It shouldn’t have been a big deal. It shouldn’t have mattered who held the end of the leash, but it did, and Marie felt herself blush as a new person seized control over her. Because the leash represented control and authority, Marie had to worry about who held it.
Her owner left the room. The second those doors clicked shut, Carla gave the leash a quick tug. It was enough to launch another shock. Marie whimpered and lowered her head, but a second later, Garret’s servant was on her. She grabbed Marie’s hair and forced her face up.
“Listen to me, dog. You are his pet, and I don’t want you to make my life any more difficult. I have been charged with getting you ready, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Understand?” She released Marie’s hair, though the stinging continued to pound through the dog’s scalp.
Eyes wet, Marie nodded.
“Come on,” Carla ordered as she led Marie out of the bedroom and to the first door on the right. This one didn’t open automatically.
On the other side, they came to a large bathroom. “I’m going to remove your sheaths. If you misbehave, I won’t hesitate to punish you.” Carla’s voice brooked no disagreement. It was absolutely clear she would be as cruel as necessary.
Marie didn’t answer as Carla leaned down and pulled down the zippers. They came off, one at a time. “Remain on your hands and knees,” she told Marie until the sleeves were off. Marie flexed her muscles but didn’t dare do anything else.
“Now get in the tub.”
Marie seethed. She hated bei
ng ordered around like this. She didn’t want to be treated like a dog, but she couldn’t make herself defy Garret’s servant. Instead, she climbed into the tub. The bottom was cold against her skin and the hard surface hurt her knees. Marie turned around when Carla ordered her to do so. She did it without turning around.
Marie felt something at the back of her head. Carla unbuckled the muzzle and pulled it down. Marie hated it, but a glob of saliva leaked from the corner of her mouth before she could swallow it back. It didn’t matter since Carla turned on the water.
A blast of cold hit her back. She groaned and tried to squirm away, yet Carla was careful to keep the blast of water shooting along Marie’s back, down her buttocks, and over her arms and legs. She shivered and a swarm of goose bumps ran the course of her flesh, only Marie refused to jump away.
“Huh. Good girl.” Carla turned a knob and the water started to warm up. Marie didn’t drop down onto her stomach, though the instinct throbbed through her skin. The heat blurred through her flesh as she held up her hand and enjoyed the sensations. It felt so good, especially as the cold droplets were washed away. Marie started to growl with satisfaction.
Carla hooked the showerhead back in place. She turned the knob around the nozzles and narrowed the stream. At once, the hot water beat down against Marie. Within ten seconds, Carla had lathered up some soap and started to rub it down the puppy’s neck, down her shoulders, and along the hapless girl’s back.
Marie tried to ignore all of it. She closed her eyes until the dark of her eyelids helped her relax for a moment. Only then Carla took a fistful of suds and scrubbed them along Marie’s stomach and her breasts. Carla spent some extra time on Marie’s tits, pinching and turning as she kneaded her flesh.
Marie lowered her face and tried to stay silent. She didn’t want to make a sound, yet her nipples hardened, and Carla gave them a harsh pinch. She tugged on them and pulled until Marie moaned through the sensations. The excitement started to build through her body. All of the tension from her time in the cage poured out. Marie’s pussy dampened, though she could at least be grateful for the water. It washed the moistness from her sex.