Puppy Girls Read online

Page 21

  Marie spent most of her time in one of two places. Either Garret or Carla kept her tethered up to the basket in his bedroom or they let her out. Outside, they leashed her to the house and left her stuck outside.

  At first, she worried about someone spotting her naked and exposed. She worried about his visitors. But no, the road and grass and trees remained empty. With those long hours in the sun or in his bedroom, Marie crawled around and nuzzled the ground. She explored the landscape as far as her leash allowed.

  Like any other dog, she was forced to sit around and wait. She tried to think about the outside world, but those worries quickly faded. Someone with Garret’s power, money, and influence would have no trouble taking care of her business and apartment. On paper, she was probably quite rich. She imagined him buying her tiny firm and allowing it to continue on paper while its proprietor found herself trapped and trained at his compound.

  The world probably continued out there. There must have been news events and celebrity scandals. And all the while, Marie could only stare out and wonder about it.

  When Garret came around, he played with her. He took her for walks and trained her to lick his crotch like any other dog. Sometimes, he allowed her to pull down his pants and suck on his cock. Marie wanted to hate it, but those were some of the few moments when she almost felt in control. Clsoing her eyes, she could pretend she wanted this. She could taste his pre-come and savor his pleasure almost as much as hers.

  And when she did a very good job, he pressed her down onto her back, spread her legs, and slipped his erect cock into her slit. He rode her fast and hard, and she moaned as the orgasms pulsated throughout her system.

  For a few days, it seemed as though she would surrender. Marie couldn’t even find any reason to be especially angry. She even got used to the dried pellets and kibble Garret or Carla fed her on a daily basis. She lived like his dog and tried to accept.

  Marie almost succeeded.

  Except she woke up one morning and remembered something. This training was leading to something. He called it a dog show. A show meant people would see her. They would witness her humiliation and desperation. They would see her crawl and blush and cheer as Marie degraded herself in new ways. So one morning, when Carla came in and took Marie’s leash and led the puppy outside, Marie bowed her head as doubt swirled through her.

  One word simmered at the forefront of her thoughts. Just two letters, they glowed with a stubborn importance.


  No, she couldn’t do this.

  No, she couldn’t give in.

  No, Marie had to try to get away.

  If she surrendered completely, then he would own her. Garret would dominate her completely, and she would be his in totality.

  Garret didn’t come home the previous night. That seemed to happen pretty frequently. She imagined him out, partying or dining with clients, or maybe he simply didn’t feel the need to come back to his country estate. After all, he had Carla to oversee his pet and his property.

  Glancing back at the door and the big windows covered in drapes, Marie decided she had to get away. She pursed her lips and started to crawl from her basket. Now that she had made her decision, she started to wonder how to make this work. She searched around for tools or anything else that might be useful.

  Unfortunately, since they kept her arms and legs bound in the leather sleeves, she couldn’t use her hands. That left her mouth. Marie explored half of the room. The leash only allowed her about six feet of clearance before it went tight, pulled the ring, and activated her collar.

  Marie moved with great care, but it didn’t matter. She pulled too much, the ring lifted, and she got shocked. She had braced for it, so the pain didn’t knock her down. Instead, it simply hardened her resolve. After all, Marie couldn’t allow him to do this forever. She had to find some way to break his hold.

  Although she spent a good twenty minutes searching for something to help her, she came up empty. There was nothing with a sharp edge or point. So Marie realized she had to do something really distasteful.

  She went back to her basket, bit down on the leash, and started to grind at it with her teeth. She didn’t want to hurt herself, she had to be patient. It might be hours before Carla came back to take her out for a walk or to feed her, so time could have been on her side. Simultaneously though, Marie understood Carla might decide she wanted to play with the puppy.

  They had a variety of leashes for the puppy. Some were heavy leather. Others were a thin nylon. On this particular morning, Marie got lucky. She was tethered in place by nylon which meant she had a chance of chewing her way through.

  Marie bit down on the material and started to gnaw at it. For a long time, it didn’t seem like she was making any progress, especially since her heart started to pound whenever she picture Carla stepping through his bedroom door. What if she found the puppy trying to get away?

  They hadn’t used the muzzle in quite a while. It was one of the few privileges she had earned through good behavior. Marie hated barking, but she absolutely loathed having the leather bit strapped in her mouth even more.

  Reminding herself to concentrate, she dragged her incisors back and forth. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but after a while, she ran her tongue along the surface and felt small tears in the material! Excitement pumped through her and made Marie work harder. Her blood quickened along with her pace as she tried to tear through the material.

  C’mon, c’mon, she kept thinking to herself, eager to get off the leash. In all of her time there, she had only seen Garret and Carla. The estate was large enough where she could escape and possibly get away. She only had to find a road or a business. And without the muzzle, she could explain what happened.

  This might really work, she realized.

  Marie ground on until she was more than halfway through the leash.

  The doors opened. Marie dropped the leash from her mouth and spun around as quickly as the leather sleeves allowed. Carla came in. She smiled down at the puppy girl and placed a bowl of kibble in front of her.

  “Are you a hungry puppy?”

  Marie nodded her head. At the same time, she lowered herself a bit, hoping to obscure the leash’s bite marks with her breasts. The servant slipped the bowl in front of Marie, but when the dog tried to crawl forward to eat, Carla grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up.

  “Do you want to eat?” she asked with a lascivious grin. Marie had learned to recognize this expression on Carla’s face. It meant the servant had use for the pet.

  Marie had no choice. She had tried to shake her head before or bark at how she didn’t want to be used that way, but she was an animal now. Even the servant got to play with Marie however she wished.

  That’s why Carla hitched up her skirt. It turned out she didn’t have any panties. Marie looked at her with big, pleading eyes, but Carla tisked and reminded the pet of how she said she was hungry.

  It was time to eat.

  Marie nuzzled her mouth between Carla’s legs, and she started to nibble, lick, and suck again. She rammed her tongue deep into Carla’s legs as one point screamed out in Marie’s head. She had to do this right. She had to do this really well. If she failed, then she would face the usual punishments. But worse, Carla might notice the leash. No, Marie couldn’t let that happen. She had to keep her captor distracted.

  It seemed to work. Carla started to groan as the happy little puppy licked at her juices, sliding her tongue deeper and through wilder and wider gyrations. Holding onto Marie’s head and strands of her hair, Carla started to buck her hips forward, forcing Marie’s tongue down farther.

  Marie licked and sucked and did everything she could to be the best puppy possible. And when Carla’s orgasm exploded through her body, she fell down onto the bed, panting. At the same time, Marie went over to her bowl and lapped up some of the liquid. She wanted to get rid of the taste.

  Marie drank and chewed on the kibble. She would need her strength if she was going to retreat fro
m the mansion, and yet she still hated the powdery taste of this stuff. She kept promising herself this would be the last time she would have to eat dog food.

  Once her heartbeat settled and Carla caught her breath, she told the puppy. “You’re getting really good at that. I think you deserve your own treat.” Carla sat up and snuck up on Marie.

  Marie started to shake her head. She didn’t want a treat. But it was too late because Carla had already made up her mind. The servant loved lording her new found authority and power over the dog girl. Sure, out in the real world, Marie would have been considered prettier. She would have had more money and a better education.

  But here, Carla was in charge, at least when Garret wasn’t around.

  Carla touched Marie. She tapped her fingers around the slave girl’s crevice. Marie bowed her head and tried to hide the leash. She couldn’t let Carla notice, but she didn’t want to get played like a toy either. Sacrificing another piece of her dignity, Marie thrust her hips forward until Carla’s digits worked their way deeper. Heat and moisture gathered around her slit until she was practically dripping.

  If Marie spoke, she would get punished. If she made any sound other than those of a puppy, Carla might stop or drag this out.

  So she purred. She purred until she whimpered as Carla continued to taut the pet. Finally, the pleasure pulsated and coursed throughout her body. She gasped and nearly collapsed onto her chest. Marie buried the frayed leash beneath her torso and fought to refill her lungs.

  “Good doggie,” Carla said until she patted the dog on her head and left the room.

  Marie stared up as the doors closed behind her keeper, and she bit down on her lower lip. Images of the servant returning any second flashed through her head. Marie couldn’t move or think. She froze up and waited, desperately hoping the woman wouldn’t return and aware there was nothing to stop her.

  The seconds collapsed into minutes. Marie didn’t hear anything except for the beat of her heart and the motion of her lungs, in and out, in and out. Eventually, she decided she could try again. Marie mouthed the leash again and laid it out before her. Leaning down, the puppy started to chew on the least again.

  She worked her teeth against nylon, tearing through the fibers one at a time. She gnawed more and more. She got through more than half of its width and pulled away. Wishing Garret had decided to leave a clock in his bedroom, she wondered how much time remained before Carla returned.

  A creek sounded through the room. Marie seized up again, bracing her muscles and going absolutely motionless. The leash dangled from her mouth. A couple minutes dissipated, and she decided it was just a sound from an old house.

  Exhaling through her teeth, Marie went back to work. She bit down and chewed through the last strings holding the leash together.

  The two ends came apart.

  Marie was free.

  For the first time in days, she wasn’t bound to a basket or a post. She could go wherever she wanted! A sense of giddy freedom filled her up and made her start to giggle. She didn’t even have on the stupid muzzle!

  The urge to dance blossomed through her chest. She laughed a bit louder before remembering not to attract attention. Although she remained pretty certain that Garret was gone, she might need to deal with Carla.

  Some of her jubilation disintegrated when she moved. The leather sleeves tightened her arms and legs together. Marie started for the door, but she had to stay on the floor. She couldn’t even stand up and steal one of the sheets to wrap around herself.

  Marie got to the door and watched as they swung inward. At least she didn’t have to deal with any knobs or handles. Grateful for this one piece of luck, Marie started to pray. This could all fall apart if Carla happened to be in the hallway. There was no way to guess. She had to hope.

  Fortune happened to be on Marie’s side this time. The hall was empty.

  Marie started down the wooden floor. She rushed, crawling as fast as possible while trying to stay as quiet as possible. She got to the living room and paused. Marie held her breath and listened. When she didn’t hear anything, the puppy stuck her head out. She cocked her head and listened again.

  Carla had to be around here somewhere. Of course, if she got really lucky, then maybe Carla would be taking a nap or getting something to ear.

  Moving from her elbows to her knees and back again, Marie made it out to the side door. A glass, sliding door, it stood before her like a transparent wall. She glanced up at the handle and wished this one could be automatic as well.

  It wasn’t.

  Apparently, Marie had run out of luck.

  The puppy twisted back to her left and right. She could try for the front side of the house, but that wouldn’t solve her problem. There would be another knob or handle. As long as she couldn’t use her hands, she had essentially zero chance.

  Marie had to try something else. She crawled as close to the glass door as possible and braced herself back on her knees. She shoved herself up back onto her knees. Ironically enough, she did it fairly quickly, but only because Garret had spent so much time training her to beg. Getting into the same position, Marie touched her nose to the handle. The door weighed a lot, but she pushed on and on.

  The glass door moved half an inch. It moved another full inch and continued until Marie lodged her jaw against the door’s edge. She pushed it the rest of the way and caught the scent of fresh air.

  Triumph flared through her, and again Marie wanted to throw back her head and laugh. It felt so good. For the first time, Marie won. She beat Garret. She could be free! Excitement pumped through her, so she scampered back outside.

  Marie crawled down the walkway and cut across the grass. Marie went as fast as she could. Going from elbow to knee, elbow to knee and back again, she panted and pushed herself as hard as she could. If Carla happened to pass a window, Marie’s escape attempt could be all over.

  A few feet ahead, the trees beckoned. The branches swayed with the breeze, almost inviting her. Marie closed within ten feet when she heard a branch snap. Marie shut her eyes and didn’t stop. She didn’t want to think someone would come for her. She had been naked and powerless for too long.

  When her collar didn’t shock and no one called out for an errant puppy, Marie hoped it was a squirrel or something else. She could get lucky. She managed to get this far, after all. At the same time, she smirked at the idea of Garret’s face. He would come back to the bedroom expecting to find his docile puppy bound to her basket. He might be angry or frustrated. Marie cleared the trees and hid behind some of the foliage. She paused and glanced back through the branches.

  The front yard looked empty. Neither Carla nor anyone else seemed to wander out.

  She did it.

  She laughed. She shook her head and tossed back her head, but this felt so perfect. Marie did it. She got away! Marie remembered the threat of invisible fences, only he must have lied. Good, she thought. Garret wasn’t as smart as he thought.

  Marie turned back to the woods and decided to head deeper. She had to pick a direction. She could head to her left, right, or straight ahead.

  Marie started forward. She circled around a copse of trees and paused. She had to keep her eyes on the ground. Navigating his estate proved pretty easy, but with the stones and sticks all around, Marie had to be much more careful.

  “Hi there, puppy girl.”

  Marie jerked her head up and found him standing there, his hands behind his back. He looked like any businessman patiently waiting for a meeting. He wore dark slacks and a dress coat, though he didn’t tuck in his shirt. Altogether, he didn’t even seem surprised to find his doggie wandering the woods.

  “How? How did you find me?”

  He didn’t answer right away. Instead, Garret sauntered over to her and glanced down at her. He touched her forehead and moved one of her stray bangs behind her ear. Then he cupped her chin and forced her to look him in the eye, “Silly girl. You’re collared, remember?”

  Marie shut her eyes
and refused to groan. She didn’t make a sound as she clutched her eyes closed. Garret slipped one hand into his pocket and pulled out another leash for her. Heavy and leather, it would be too tough for her to chew through.

  He clipped the leash onto her collar, “You have been very bad. I think you’re going to need some extensive training this afternoon. C’mon.”

  Marie bowed her head and started after him. When he first appeared in front of her, she didn’t know what to think or feel. Dissapointment ran through her, only now it spiraled and cycled into something even more powerful. She had been so close, and now it seemed like a trap. She walked right into it.

  “You’re right,” he said to her unspoken question. “It was a test. And yes, you did fail.”

  They got back onto the grass when she felt the first shock. Marie yelped as the pain ran up her spine. He didn’t stop walking, and if the collar’s ring rose, then it would ignite another jolt. Marie had to scamper after him and stay close to his feet.

  Perhaps he felt particularly cruel as he bunched up the leash between his hands, forcing her to crawl even closer. Yes, she managed to avoid a shock by the leash, but he tapped his phone again. Another burst of electricity shot from the collar’s needles and lanced through her skin.

  Her eyes started to water as they got back to the door. He took her right to the training room. At least, that’s how it seemed to the leashed girl.

  Through the whole journey, Marie considered one question. How was she going to act? At first, she gritted her teeth and promised herself nothing but resolve and determination. Okay, so he caught her, but this was only her first escape attempt. And she did manage to get outside. That was an achievement.

  On and on, she tried to convince herself she had done something worthwhile. She had proved him fallible.

  But if that were true, then she shouldn’t have been leashed again and crawling back to the training room for more discipline. He was going to punish her, and she couldn’t stop him. A sense of helpless dread filled her chest.

  Those considerations led her to another place. Okay, so she tried to get away and she failed. She could try to accept her fate and be a good puppy. He had her, and she had no way of escaping, especially because her collar did so much more than shock her. It leashed her in another way. He could find her at any moment. He only needed a phone or computer, tools he would always be able to access.