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Puppy Girls Page 22

  They didn’t go to the training room.

  Marie felt a tug on the leash which triggered another jolt. She yelped and nearly hopped up like a frightened animal. “This way,” said her owner and master. He walked farther down the hall to another room.

  Marie peered up at the door as it seemed to tower above her. Of course, it wasn’t actually any bigger than any other door, and yet she was stuck. She had to look at the world through the eyes of a puppy. From her vantage, everything towered over her. Garret had taken away her independence and reduced her to an animal’s point of view.

  The door swung open. It was dark at first, but Marie chewed on her lower lip anyway. She didn’t dare speak, not even to bark. What did he have planned for her? She couldn’t know and didn’t want to think about it. Yet time was against her. Each second dragged her closer to whatever fate he picked. He was her owner. He had the right.

  It was dark inside. Marie couldn’t see anything. There were no windows, and the gloom quickly turned to total black.

  Before he turned on the light, Garret kneeled in front of her. He left her leash on but didn’t tug it or remind her of her subservience. He didn’t need to, not when he held her gaze and absolute obedience. Against all of those thoughts of defiance and reasserting herself, right then Marie wanted nothing more than to prove she could be a good puppy. Fear pumped through her veins and made the idea of facing his wrath unbearable.

  When he spoke again, the puppy couldn’t read her owner’s tone. He didn’t sound especially angry or kind. Dissapointment didn’t fill his eyes either. It seemed like he was almost teasing her, but Marie couldn’t be sure.

  He kept his voice low, almost as though he wanted to keep anyone else from hearing. “You have been very naughty. Is that because you think you’re going to get away? Do you think you’re going to slip out of your collar?”

  Garret sounded sincere, so Marie answered before she could stop herself, “I am a woman. I’m not a dog.”

  He didn’t punish her for speaking like a human, not yet at least. Instead, he smiled indulgently, “Would you feel the same way if everyone you knew saw you like this?”

  “But they haven’t,” she said, daring him to do it. If her friends or family saw her on her hands and knees, they would know he forced it on her. “And even if they did, they would help me!” Like him, she kept her voice low, but the defiance started to course through her again. Her resolve hardened because she couldn’t allow him to train her.

  “Right,” he told her, touched his phone, and gave her another shock. Marie’s defiant glare broke down, and she stared back into the floor.

  Garret took her farther into the room. Marie started to blush at one thought. It seemed impossible that someone would be able to see her like this. Sure, Carla and Garret knew all about this girl’s humiliation, yet no one else had. She still had a chance, but only if that part remained true.

  He flicked the lights on. Light ran throughout the room, and Marie released a sigh of release. There was no one here. Some part of her feared the idea that he had gathered up people she knew and hid them in the dark. But no, the room was empty.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  Garret grinned and tapped his phone again. Another shock reminded the puppy how to speak. Biting down, she promised herself to obey, at least for now. “Oh?” he asked, “I’m sorry. Did you want to say something?” He held up the phone and dared her to tempt him.

  It shamed her further, but Marie complied. She barked twice and followed when he started to walk to the middle of the room. Her knees and elbows sunk down slightly into the rubber flooring.

  “I am going to remind you how to obey. I am going to teach you how to be a good puppy. And to think, before today, you had been doing such a good job, puppy girl. You learned to crawl and beg and roll. Now I just need to see you do it again, and you’re going to smile the whole time. Understand?”

  He might have sent another signal for her collar, but Marie barked in time. She bowed her head with a rapid nod, and he must have enjoyed the desperate panic that colored her cheeks, lips, and fingers. As long as she acted like his obedient slave dog, then she could avoid his punishments.

  “Good girl,” he said and tapped her head.

  Marie followed her master to the center of the room. He turned back and gave her one order, “Beg.”

  With that word, she got onto her knees and sat up. She held up her hands and let her wrists go limp. That wasn’t good enough though because he reached for the phone again. He was about to touch the icon until she started to whimper. She widened her eyes and let them grow shiny against the air. Finally, he lowered his phone again.

  “Again, very nice,” he grinned down at her and stroked her beneath the chin. Marie hated how his touch actually felt good. “Now let me see you roll over.”

  Marie fell back down onto her back and started to roll over from side to side. She did it quickly and energetically. “Great, girl! Now let me hear you speak,” he ordered. Marie kept rolling, undulating from side to side and barking out like the happiest little puppy girl.

  The doggie rolled until he told her to sit up. She scrambled back onto her haunches, moved out her hips, and pointed her elbows down at the floor. Having complied with his order, Marie stared up at her owner. Her master tested her and played with her. He reviewed her tricks and made her go through them over and over again. After a while, Marie couldn’t even think of what she did. Instead, Marie acted without any sort of consideration.

  Once she finished the tricks, he employed other types of training.

  Such as the other games she had to play. Garret went to the corner and picked up a tennis ball. He took it, tossed it into the air, and snatched it up before it could fall a foot. He moved with dexterity and strength.

  “You’ve been good, so we’re going to play a little game.” He chuckled at his slave girl, “Do a good job, and you’ll get a treat. Mess up, and you’ll need some pretty severe punishments.” He grinned down at her, “And remember, I haven’t forgotten about your little stroll today.”

  He threw up the ball again. It sped on the air, spun around, and fell back into his palm. “If you get this in time, then you’ll get that treat.” Before she could whimper or try to beg, he tossed the ball at the far wall.

  Marie dashed at it. She rushed across the room. Her eyes never left the ball, which made her trip up. Although she did fine on the grass and even among the shrubbery by the trees, she stumbled on the flat surface. Marie propped herself back onto her knees and elbows and tried again, not sure of how much time he would allow her.

  Marie got to the tennis ball. She dropped down and wrapped her lips around the fuzzy surface. Her teeth stretched the surface as she grasped it and spun back around. Marie chased after her stationary master and dropped the ball into his outstretched hand.

  For about four seconds, Garret considered the tennis ball. It was almost as though he wanted to find some answer there. Rather than give her a decision, Garret threw the ball again, harder this time. It bounced against the far wall, hit the floor, and started to roll.

  This room was as large as the other one where he usually trained her. But without as many benches, stands, and chairs, it allowed for so much more space. Blinking, Marie chased after the ball. She kicked her knees into the floor and concentrated on her knees. She couldn’t allow the ball to stay away for too long.

  She imagined a dozen shocks. She imagined him forcing her to beg.

  Marie cut the distance between herself and the ball in half. Her elbow almost gave way, and she almost slipped. Marie got to the tennis ball, dipped her head down, and grabbed it up.

  When she spun back, Marie found Carla standing behind Garret. The servant smiled at her, and when her appearance made the puppy pause, Carla motioned for the girl to continue.

  Marie caught herself and started to crawl again. She dashed back for Garret, terrified that she might mess this up. It would be so much worse if his servant got to watch her
humiliation. Worse, he might humiliate her even more to entertain his employee. Garret must have known how much Marie disliked her keeper.

  She got to his feet and dropped the ball there. Carla stood guard, her mouth shut as she watched, clearly amused.

  “Now thank me,” he told her.

  She barked.

  Instead of teasing her or giving her another demeaning petting, Garret reached down and touched her best. He cupped one of her breasts and gave a little pinch. In spite of herself, Marie groaned and felt herself start to get wet.

  “I want to hear you thank me like a good woman who has finally learned her place.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “Thank me.” Garret made it sound so simple.

  Marie bit back and would have swallowed her tongue if she could. She lifted her chin and looked up at him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” he asked calmly. Behind him, Carla laughed. She tried to cover her mouth, but it only made it worse.

  “For your training. For putting you in your place. And you had better sound sincere.” He lifted the phone from his pocket and wagged it from side to side.

  She blinked once and saw he was completely serious. He wanted her to thank him. He wanted her to make it seem genuine. This was her punishment, Marie realized. Sure, she wouldn’t mean it. They all knew it. Neither Carla nor Garret would ever mistake her confession of gratitude as anything but forced, but she had to do it anyway.

  “Smart,” he told her. “But you don’t believe that, do you?”

  Something in the tenor of his question made Marie believe he really did want an honest response. She bowed her head and hid her face from her captors, “No. I don’t believe that.” She bit down and tried to summon additional fury to hold off her own embarrassment.

  Without another word, Garret took a hold of her leash and headed to the far side of the room. Marie had to scamper after him, swinging her bottom from side to side. It made Carla laugh since it looked like the slave girl was wagging happily.

  Garret stopped at the far wall. “What do you see?”

  Marie couldn’t tell if this was another part of her punishment. Before, he made her thank him. That could have been the end of it, only now she started to suspect he had something else planned.

  “Nothing,” she answered uncertainly.

  “Look closer.” He motioned to the middle portion of the wall.

  The walls were covered in dark panels, but at one of the intersections, she spotted something strange. It looked like a small, round circle. A bead of light reflected off of it, and her heart skipped a beat when she realized what it was.

  “A camera?” Those two words came out in a half-breath. She barely spoke and couldn’t be certain she said anything at all.

  “Yes. In fact…” he took out his phone, opened a file, and held it down for her to see. His finger touched play, and the screen came back to life. The picture and sound came out clearly. There was no question. It was Marie.

  The puppy watched in horror, not sure what to do or say. She was thanking him. The recorded image played out exactly as it had before.

  Garret spoke over her digitized voice, “I wonder what your friends and family will think of this? I’m sure they’ll be surprised. In fact, some of them might call and try to figure out what’s gotten into you.”

  “Please, don’t,” she said, begging now. “No, please, you can’t let anyone see that!” Marie’s eyes locked onto the screen. Her breasts were exposed. She was clearly naked. Worse, she really did sound sincere. But then Marie paused, “You tricked me!”

  “Trick a puppy, surely you jest,” he said with a chuckle.

  “They’d figure it out. My friends, no one would really think I wanted this.”

  “But I have other proof,” he said with an evil grin.

  “What?” she asked, knowing full well she should have stayed silent. Nothing she said or heard could help her.

  Carla had been holding a brief case. Now she stepped around the dog and held it up. Garret unlatched the sides and popped it open. He took out a set of four documents and spread them out before Marie.

  At first, she tried to keep her nose stuck in the air. She didn’t want to know, but curiosity gnawed at her and she gave in. Marie glanced down at the paperwork. Most of it didn’t make sense. There were legal terms she didn’t understand.

  But Marie found words like custody, incompetent, and the surrender of all rights. Marie’s blood pressure spiked, and her breathing came out in frenzied gasps. If she understood this correctly, it meant something bad, something very, very bad.

  “That’s right,” Carla assured her. “Mr. Richardson has some very good lawyers. These documents sign over all of your rights. After signing these, you become his property.”

  “But I didn’t sign.”

  “Wrong,” Carla said. She dropped down and lifted the pages. She flipped to the final sheet for each stack, revealing lines with neat signatures. Marie recognized the scribbles. They were her name, each time repeatedly a little differently. “Mr. Richardson knows some very good forgers as well.”

  Marie tried to understand all of this and what it meant. These documents. The film of her thanking Garret. Together, they meant he got to keep her. Even if she got away, those contracts and documents would still be there. For all she knew, he might even be able to call the police to bring her back.

  “Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand.” She spoke automatically. She obeyed without thinking. Marie had no choice because a fundamental truth locked into place.

  Her life as an independent woman was over. Her life as an interior designer was over. Her life as a person who could pick her fate was over. With those documents, he could control her. Marie was his now.

  This time, he didn’t have to give her a command. She placed her butt on the floor, spread her knees, and held her hands up. She begged him like a good puppy because she belonged to him now. Garret became her master and her owner.

  The End