Puppy Girls Read online

Page 3

  “Please,” I whispered, my eyes rolling back.

  “Please, what?” he taunted.

  With a flick of my tongue along my lips, I tried again. What other choice did I have? "Please, Master. Please, I can't, I can't take anymore!" But he didn't stop. He did the exact opposite, speeding up so that his fingers darted and dance along my slit. He made me so wet and so horny. I had never really felt like this before.

  The next orgasm flowed through me, like a volcano, like a supernova. The heat spread out, shooting in every direction throughout my physical form and maybe a little farther than that too. The satisfaction was so intense and so perfect.

  For several seconds, maybe a minute I simply stood there. I can't remember anything feeling back good, which only made my predicament worse because it came from a man who would collar me, stripped me, and toyed with me.

  Nick wiped his now damp fingers off on my thighs but that wasn't good enough for him. "Override: open your mouth and suck." Quickly, he stuck his fingers between my lips and the programming took over with ease.

  By this point, I didn't have anything to fight with even though I felt shocked and disgusted that I was now sucking off my own lubricants from his fingers. The collar took over so I licked and sucked on his fingers while he watched.

  He pulled back, but only when he was completely satisfied with my subjugation. Closing my mouth, I didn't ask about what he intended to do next. I assumed it would start with my clothes.

  Rather than start demanding money or talking about how I was such an idiot to underestimate him, Nick simply walked over to the coat hanger in the corner. Even though we were having a mild fall, Nick had a large trench coat waiting for him. “Guess what?”

  “What?” I asked reluctantly. Although I did enjoy his games, it wouldn't be wise for me to completely ignore him. I needed information, and he was the only one who had it.

  "We're going for a little walk." He grinned at me, which sent a sinking feeling curling down to the pit of my stomach. "Don't worry, puppy girl. I'm going to let you wear something. It just won't be what you started out with." He grinned at me again, then sauntered over to the trench coat, grabbed it, and ordered me to lift my arms.

  For a moment, I refused to do it. Simply staring back at him, I dared him to use the collar again. Rather than simply declare an override, Nick cocked his head to one side as though our being completely silly. "Silly girl, you're going to need to learn to view begins without the collar. That's what training is all about. That said, we don't have to use the coat especially if you're going to make me issue a more formal command."

  I could feel the color drain from my face. His threat made my skin prickle with fear. Only then did I really start to understand what this collar meant. If you wanted to, Nick could override my will and make me walk around my own office completely naked. Of course, that was just the start. He could make me serve coffee. He could make me dance. I had the other even more humiliating scenarios played out behind my eyes, so I raised my arms willingly. I let him put that trench coat on me.

  "Master, may I wear some panties as well?"

  "Good girl. Clearly, you're learning to behave. Before you know it, will be done with your training altogether and you won't even have to wear that collar. But right now, I want you naked under this one garment. I want you to walk through this office and think about how you would feel if Justin or one of your other employees happened to see you like this. Oh, just think of how many of them have camera phones."

  I shivered at the notion and kept my mouth shut because he was right. If I disobeyed badly enough and Nick decided to humiliate me in front of other people, then that would never go away. One digital image captured on a flash drive. That was all it would take to completely destroy my reputation.

  No one would take me seriously again.

  Nick chuckled a little bit more as he watched my internal conflict play out. "Are you going to be a good girl for your new Master?” he asked easily.

  "Yes, Master. I promise I'll be good."

  Somehow, that wasn't harassing enough. "What will you be?" Nick taunted again, his eyes on mine.

  “I’ll be a good girl. I promise.”

  “That’s right,” he said. “You’re going to be a good girl. Now remember that.” He opened the door for me and kept his voice just low enough for me to hear. “Get to your office. Don’t try to talk to anyone. Act normally if anyone approaches you. Got it?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  We walked back through the office, and I prayed no one would notice my change in appearance. I walked into Nick’s office wearing formal, work-appropriate attire. Now I had changed out my skirt and blouse and stockings for a trench coat. It must have been obvious that I was naked beneath, at least to anyone who might have noticed my bare feet.

  Hating every second of this, I moved as quickly as I could. Justin, my assistant, tried to talk to me, but I practically snarled at him. There was no way I would interact with him right then.

  I got back into my office and slammed the door just right after Nick entered after me. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked.

  “What do you want?” I demanded, spinning on him.

  Nick ignored my question because his eyes drifted down to something beside my desk. “Nice! It’s already here.”

  “What’s already here?” I turned in the same direction and spotted a pet carrier. This one was at least three feet tall and another three feet wide. It was big enough for a person, and my stomach started to sink again at that revelation.

  “That’s right,” Nick said, guessing my thoughts. “We’re going for a little ride. Now, the deliverymen will be here soon, so override: get in the traveling cage.”

  My brain turned blank. Completely empty. I didn’t think he would ever go this far, so I threw away all caution and tried to call out for help. “Help! Help!” I whispered, naked but for the trench coat.

  Even as my pathetically small voice made equally pathetic attempts to get help, the collar acknowledged his order and compelled me to follow his command. Stepping to the side of the traveling cage, Nick opened the thin bars. Prompted by the collar’s connection to my nervous system, I did what it wanted. Even though my brain kept shooting other orders to the rest of my nervous system, the collar was in control. As I moved, Nick stripped me of the trench coat. I got down onto my hands and knees, spun around, then backed up into the confined space.

  Quickly, I realized that no one was going to hear me. Heart pounding, I tried to think of something else. But when he pushed the wired gate back into place, I realized I didn’t have a chance. Worse, he pulled out a small lock and attached it. “Don’t worry, puppy girl. This way you’ll be nice and safe on our trip. Yes, you will.” He was talking to me like some simple minded animal, so I would have given anything for the privilege of smacking him. Hard.

  Of course, I couldn’t do it. He had me caged. Trapped on my knees and elbows, I watched as he threw the trench coat over the cage. No one would see that he had me trapped. Maybe I could have kept whispering, but what would that have accomplished.

  The cage tilted back, and I realized that it must have had wheels and an extendable handle. He started to roll me for the front door. In those seconds, I had to make a choice. When we were back out among my employees, I could have tried to call out again. Someone was bound to hear me, except Nick robbed me of even that slim hope.

  “Override: silent.”

  My vocal cords froze up. Even testing it, I realized that I couldn’t make a sound. I tried something else, thinking I may have found a loophole through his condition. If I kicked or slammed my fists or elbows against the sides of the traveling cage, then I could attract some attention. Maybe someone would notice.

  My body refused.

  I couldn’t believe it at first, but when I tried to make any of those movements, I failed. I couldn’t do it. It was as simple as that. The collar interrupted those signals from my brain to the rest of my body. Anything to generate s
ound had suddenly become impossible.

  Nick rolled me down the hall, to the elevator, and down to the parking garage beneath the building. With each second, I couldn’t believe this was happening. At the same time, I tried to think of some clever way to get help. But even then, I was stuck at the previous problem. If I did manage to get help, then people would see me naked and collared, locked in this stupid cage that was obviously meant for some dog.

  I wasn’t a dog. And I wasn’t going to let images like that circulate about me.

  The elevator doors pinged open, and he rolled me along the concrete ground. He stopped in front of something; I guessed it was a vehicle. Then he pushed me up a ramp. Damn it, I thought, he probably had a truck. He was going to take me. But then what?

  Nick was going to train me.

  He had already said as much.

  The engine purred to life, and we started moving. My cage must have been secured in some way or braced against a corner because I didn’t slide around as we started to maneuver and turn through the streets. Where were we headed exactly? What were we going to be doing exactly? Questions fluttered through me as I chewed on the inside of my mouth, contemplating my future as well as my options and potential strategies.

  This was bad. My employee had turned on me. He was supposed to belong to me and do whatever I told him. Except he was smarter than I gave him credit for, so now I was trouble. Real trouble.

  He made me get down on my hands and knees. He made me get into this cage! Frustration nipped at me, so I grabbed onto the wire front and tried to push it free. If I had been able to kick outward, then perhaps I could have bent the bars. As things stood, I could bang my head against the wires and accomplish exactly nothing.

  As we drove, I thought back to some old spy movie I saw where a captured hostage was blindfolded but managed to figure out where she had been taken by keeping track of the turns, speed, and time driven. It was a neat thought, but in real life I had absolutely no chance of doing something like that. By the time the idea of even occurred to me, it was too late to try.

  We didn’t go far though. After driving for five or ten minutes, we pulled off the road and stopped somewhere smooth. The door to the van opened, the ramp came down, and Nick sauntered back up. “Hey there, puppy girl,” he greeted me cheerfully. “Override: you can speak again. There’s no one around to hear you.”

  I glared at him, not sure if I should try to speak.

  “That’s right, just pout and look cute. Maybe we’ll add that to your performance repertoire,” he suggested before rolling me back down. “So you should start thinking about what kind of tricks you’ll do for me and whoever else I decide to show you off to.”

  “Tricks?” I exhaled the word, not sure I heard him right because he couldn’t have really said that. Could he?

  “Tricks,” he repeated. “I’m going to teach you to be a good little puppy girl who entertains me and gets rewards by doing adorable little tricks. You’ll play games and be very amusing whenever and however I want because you’re mine now. That’s right, you’re mine. You’re a pet. You’re going to be my little plaything. And I’m going to have so much fun training you.” He spoke easily as if all of this made sense or was completely mundane.

  “No. You’re not,” I said as the cage’s wheels hit the pavement. From my limited vantage, I couldn’t see much. Besides, I had a hard time even lifting my head on the off chance someone saw me like this. Still, our surroundings looked familiar.

  Torn between trying to learn as much as possible and hiding her face, I seethed with frustration. This sort of ambivalence and powerlessness were both new to me. I wasn’t sure how to cope with it. Taking a long, slow and steadying breath, I forced myself to calm down. Okay, I told myself, I could do this.

  It wasn’t any different than the exams in college. It was like writing my first business plan. I could do this. I could take him on. Nick wasn’t anything but some cocky little whelp who thought he could take me on. Fine. I simply had to prove him wrong. I could do that. I was sure of it.

  Information. Alright, if I was so sure of myself, then I had to get as much data as possible. I had to think like an engineer rather than some pathetic damsel in distress. But as he turned the cage and I caught sight of cars and the street, that sinking feeling came back to the base of my stomach.

  But then he turned me toward a house. Panic shot through me because I recognized this place. I knew it so well.

  “Let me out of here! Let me out right now!”

  I slammed my palm against the wire grate and whispered my shouts as loud as the collar allowed. Ultimately, that made my sounds small and disappointing against the backdrop of an empty suburban street.

  “Don’t worry. We won’t be at your house for long.”

  He turned me toward the concrete walkway. I was being rolled along in cage toward my own house. It was big, exactly what you’d expect a successful young bossiness woman to own. I tried to look to the sides, hoping that maybe one of my neighbors would be out. But even if someone happened to wander outside, the chances of me being noticed were extremely small.

  Any random passerby would probably assume Nick was a delivery guy. He had this big crate after all. Maybe they’d think I was going to buy a dog. A dog. He was turning me into a dog! I couldn’t stand it and beat my fists against the grate again and again until red welts formed along my knuckles.

  But it didn’t help any. The wires didn’t really stretch or budge. They clanged but held firm, keeping me locked in this carrying case.

  Nick yanked the cage up the steps until I landed with a dull thud on my porch. “Override: tell me where you keep your spare key.”

  “Under the mat,” I said right away. There was no hesitation, no pause. The stupid collar could make me do anything. It seemed able to process any command. Again, I couldn’t help but wonder at the kind of technology this thing would take. The programming was incredible.

  “So predictable,” he said and bent down, pulling the welcome mat away. He found the key, unlocked my front door, and rolled me inside.

  Coming home should have felt good. It should have been a reminder of all that I had accomplished. Instead, I was behind a cage door. My own employee had turned on me, and until I found some way to defy the collar’s control, then I couldn’t do a thing about any of this.

  Nick opened the cage gate. “C’mon out, doggie girl. I’m sure you’d like to stretch your limbs a bit. Besides, I’m sure the carpet is really nice on your paws.”

  Despite his teasing, I did crawl back out. The second I could, I started to stand only to hear his voice again. “Override: crawl. You don’t get to walk like a human. Not anymore.” The collar beeped another acknowledgement and forced me down onto my haunches.

  Apparently, I didn’t have to move if I didn’t want to. Rather than try to walk, I settled back as my only form of defiance.

  Nick cocked his head at her and said, “Alright. Override: wait right there. Sit, sit girl. No moving. Understand?” The collar beeped at the first order. The others were just more teasing, more taunting, and more humiliation. I tried to keep my features steady because I didn’t want him to realize how much effect he could have on me, but it was hard.

  He walked by me and gave me a pat on the head as he passed. At the same time, I wanted to snap up and punch him or bite him, anything to show Nick that he couldn’t control me like this. The only problem was that he could. No matter what I wanted to think of myself, he could do this because he had me collared and leashed to his every command.

  As he explored the rest of my house, I stared around and tried to think of some way to use my home field advantage against him. Tightening and relaxing my jaw helped me think, but as I waited, nothing came to mind.

  Nick came back several minutes later. Every second felt longer than it should have and impatience sloshed through me when he finally made an appearance. “We’re going to work on your very first trick,” he said. He had a pen along with a big, manila env
elope. “Are you ready, girl?”

  “Don’t call me that,” I said.

  “Oh, do you prefer puppy? Pup? Bitch?” he asked. “Or I could give you a new name. Dogs get very special names. Would you like to be Miss Fluffy?” He bent down so his nose was only an inch or two away from my own. At the same time, he flashed a Cheshire grin, the kind that made me think he had all of the answers. “Or I could get that name tattooed on you. Maybe the small of your back. It would look very cute on you.”

  “I am going to get you for this.”

  He smiled a little wider and shook his head slowly, patronizingly. Each pivot of his neck proved one thing: he had absolute confidence in his ability to own and control me. That made me want to slip free from this collar all the more.

  “Now, I’m not a fan of threats, so we can call this a promise,” he started to say. “I have you right now. Correct?” I didn’t answer his question. Somehow, admitting the truth would make this feel more real, something I wished to avoid at all costs. “Override: roll over for me.”

  My body complied immediately. I threw myself onto the soft carpet and rolled over like a dog doing a trick. Naked, I flashed my sensitive bits for him to see. “Override: on your back.” He got down beside me as my arms and legs flailed up into the air. Nick didn’t mind though, not when he started to rub my belly.

  “This is how it works now. I can give you and order and make you follow it and nothing you do will stop me. So if I want you to do tricks for me, you’re going to do it. Got it? Or would you like me to spank you, leash you, then walk you outside for all of your neighbors to see? It’s a bit earlier than I planned, but we could do an impromptu dog show right now.”

  Nick meant it. This wasn’t some idle threat. If she didn’t do exactly what he wanted, then he would tether her and make her crawl outside. “And if you really think about it, I could make you tell everyone you like this. I’m sure someone would call the police, considering you’d be a naked little dog, but don’t worry. I’d bail you out. Eventually.”